Sunday, September 2, 2007

We're not dead! Yet!

I'm such a slacker for not writing. But honestly, my first week of law school should serve as a valid excuse. They aren't kidding when they tell you that grad school isn't like undergrad. Good god, people, homework before we even have class? Yikes. So yeah, i've been busy reading law books, which are dense. Not like romance novels... which I much prefer. Still, the stuff is interesting and I'm learning a lot. Or so i keep telling myself.

As for Sonja, who i know most of you are here for (no body loves me, everybody hates me...) she's off having a fabulous time on a cruise. I'm quite sure i'm not supposed to be jealous, since I did just get back from a fabulous trip to France, but still... cases like Marbury v. Madison, written in 1803 or sipping cocktails on a cruise ship. Hmm... tough call.

Still, there is a bright spot in my life... well, okay, a few. One, my fabulous boyfriend, who's been super nice to me about my complaining about my first week (okay, more like complaining about the homework) and who just got a job! Hooray for him. The first interview he went to and they liked him so much they offered him the job during the interview. Dang, he's good.

And, he finally said yes to this:

Don't lie. You know you're jealous that i now own the cutest dog in the universe. To see more of Tifa (pronounced Tee-fa) come see my own blog for more pics!


Anonymous said...

Hooray all around! Give my congrats to the mister on his new job! Tell Tifa that Aunt Bekka is on her way with treats from the doggy bakery. And congrats to you on surviving your first week of law school! I'm sure it'll only get easier from here on.



P.S. Yes, I left you a comment on your other blog, but seriously--Tifa?--too cute. Must respond multiple times on that alone.

Sonja Foust said...

anerrrrrrables! Cute puppy. I miss you. Back in a week!

Skye Forbes said...

Wah. Another week without Sonja