Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Editing sucks. But France was awesome.

I'm back! Yes, i know, i come and go a lot, so this probably isn't that exciting for everyone. But let's consider the implications of my being back this time.
One: I don't get to speak French anymore. Le sigh.
Two: I don't get to go anywhere anymore. I mean, school is starting on THURSDAY. Super le sigh.
Three: Well, i don't really know that i have a third point.

But yeah, here i am. At home. Trying to avoid the dread that creeps over me every time i consider the start of school.

I am working on my editing, however. Lots of people have had a lot of valid input. And some not so valid :) For instance, some people keep bringing up relevant plot points. Which is so unacceptable. I mean, come on, people. You should be finding comma errors, not valid mistakes. There should be NO valid mistakes. I am perfect. But still, they're finding them, so I'm fixing them. And i need to hurry to, since my free time rapidly goes away on THURSDAY.

Can you tell I'm fixated?

Sonja tried to cheer me up by getting me excited about buying office supplies. Which is pretty darn exciting. I do love me some good office supplies. Something about going to a staples makes me happy and lowers my shopping resistance. I'm always overwhelmed with an urge to buy things i REALLY don't need. Like pencils. I almost never use pencils. But i always really want to buy them. Or notebooks. and paper. and tape. Things i probably won't use in law school. But i want them anyway.

Other than my school supply obsession, i'm not really seeing the good in school. Maybe that's because i had so much fun in France. And this is the real reason why:

Yes. A cute little kitty. Un petit chatton. We discovered the mother and fed her. and then discovered she had babies. This is one of them, whom we named Helmut. There are two others, Tom Selleck (aka Magnum PI) and Adolph.

For more deets, see my blog. I'm going to try and post the cutest video of them :)


Anonymous said...

You know what will help you with these back to school blues? Back to school shopping!! Definitely get yourself some new office supplies--that is a must--but also get yourself some new clothes. They call it retail therapy for a reason :)


Sonja Foust said...

I agree with Bekka.

Also, the kitties are cute.