Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's Half Full, Darn It

Happy day, people. Not only has my bestest buddy returned from paradise (despite its lack of internet access), but yesterday I got a request for a full! Yaaaay!

Ok, so if you're in the writing world, you know that a request for a full really doesn't mean that much. It means the editor liked my query enough to go, "hmm, I think I'd like to read that." And then my manuscript sits on her desk for a while until she has time to read it, and then she reads it, and then maybe, just maybe, she says, "Oh my god this is the next great American novel!" and she picks up the phone and dials my number so fast that the keypad smokes, and then she begs, begs, BEGS me to sell her my manuscript. Yeah. Shut up and let me have my fantasy. I'm not going to dwell on the fact that there's a larger chance, even if she actually likes my manuscript, that for some reason it's just "not right" for her. All you "glass is half empty" people can blog about that part.

Anyway, if any of you are curious about it, the manuscript that got requested is a short story of mine called Love in Shadow. Click the link to read an excerpt and also to see my brand shiny new website design, which I did last night after exclaiming, "My god, what if she looks at my website?" (Because editors have to look at websites to confirm their potential authors' brilliance, see?)


Anonymous said...

Check out this cool shirt that's vaguely relevant to your post